Top 10 Most Beautiful Parrots In The World

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Parrots are renowned for their beauty, intelligence, and playful nature. These colorful birds captivate people with their vibrant plumage and engaging personalities.

With around 350 different species worldwide, parrots exhibit a remarkable diversity that includes various sizes, colors, and behaviors, making them one of the most fascinating bird families.

But hat doesn’t mean we cannot pick the top 10 most beautiful ones, doesn’t it?

Let us go.

10. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is a large, eye-catching parrot with its distinctive sulfur-yellow crest and pristine white plumage.

Native to Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia, these birds are a common sight in the wild as well as in captivity.

They are known for their loud, raucous calls and can live up to 70 years, making them long-term companions for those who keep them as pets.

Key Features:

  • Long lifespan (up to 70 years)
  • Loud calls
  • Different colored eyes in males and females

These cockatoos are highly social and intelligent, often seen in flocks. Their playful nature and ability to mimic sounds make them popular in aviaries and households.

However, they require a lot of mental stimulation and physical activity to stay healthy and happy.

9. Bronze Winged Parrot

Bronze Winged Parrot

The Bronze Winged Parrot is a medium-sized parrot adorned with dark purple or blue plumage and a unique bronze patch on its wings.

These parrots are native to South America and are known for their sociable and intelligent demeanor.

They thrive in tree cavities and often exhibit excellent mimicry skills, making them delightful companions.

Key Features:

  • Sociable and intelligent
  • Good mimicry skills
  • Lives in tree cavities

Their vibrant colors and engaging behavior make them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

Bronze-winged parrots enjoy interacting with their human companions and can learn a variety of tricks and sounds, showcasing their remarkable cognitive abilities.

8. Dusky Lory

Dusky Lory

The Dusky Lory is a small parrot that boasts a striking appearance with its bright orange chest, grey legs, cream rump, and dark orange beak.

Found in Papua New Guinea, these lories are highly playful and interactive, often engaging in acrobatic antics that endear them to bird lovers.

Key Features:

  • Highly playful and interactive
  • Excellent mimics
  • Diet of fruits, seeds, and nectar

Their diet mainly consists of fruits, seeds, and nectar, which they actively forage for in their natural habitat.

Dusky Lories are known for their vibrant personality and can form strong bonds with their owners, making them a joy to keep as pets.

7. Galah (Rose-Breasted Cockatoo)

Galah (Rose-Breasted) Cockatoo

The Galah, also known as the Rose-Breasted Cockatoo, is easily recognizable by its pink chest and face, coupled with a gray head and tail.

Native to Australia, these cockatoos are often seen in large flocks, creating a spectacular sight in the wild.

Key Features:

  • Lives in large flocks
  • Distinguishable eye color in males and females
  • Diet includes seeds and berries

Galahs are highly social birds that thrive on interaction.

Their playful and affectionate nature makes them wonderful pets, though they require a lot of socialization and mental stimulation.

The difference in eye color between males and females adds to their charm and makes them unique among parrots.

6. Blue and Yellow Macaw

Blue and Yellow Macaw

The Blue and Yellow Macaw is a large parrot that captivates with its striking blue and yellow plumage.

These birds are native to South America and are known for their sociable and intelligent nature.

They are excellent at learning tricks and enjoy interacting with their human companions.

Key Features:

  • Sociable and intelligent
  • Good at learning tricks
  • Loves interaction

These macaws are often seen in pairs or small groups in the wild.

Their vibrant colors and engaging behavior make them popular pets, though they require a lot of space and mental stimulation.

Their ability to bond with their owners and learn complex tricks makes them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

5. African Gray

African Grey Parrots

The African Gray Parrot is renowned for its exceptional intelligence and talkative nature.

With gray plumage and a wingspan of 46-52 cm, these medium-sized parrots are native to the Congo region in Africa.

They are considered the most intelligent and excellent mimics among parrots. Key Features:

  • Most intelligent and talkative parrot
  • Excellent mimicry
  • Wingspan of 46-52 cm

African Grays can learn an extensive vocabulary and mimic sounds with remarkable accuracy.

Their cognitive abilities and affectionate nature make them highly sought-after pets.

However, they require significant mental stimulation and social interaction to prevent boredom and behavioral issues.

4. Sun Parakeet

Sun Parakeet

The Sun Parakeet, also known as the Sun Conure, is a colorful parrot with yellow, red, orange, blue, and green plumage.

Native to South America, these parrots are known for their sociable nature and often live in groups.

Key Features:

  • Sociable, lives in groups
  • Diet of fruits, nuts, berries, and flowers

Their bright colors and lively personality make Sun Parakeets a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

They are affectionate and enjoy interacting with their human companions.

Their diet consists mainly of fruits, nuts, berries, and flowers, which they forage for in their natural habitat.

3. Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw is the largest parrot species, known for its stunning bright blue plumage.

Native to Southern Brazil, these macaws are an endangered species, making conservation efforts critical for their survival.

Key Features:

  • Largest parrot species
  • Large beak
  • Endangered species

Hyacinth Macaws have a large beak capable of cracking hard nuts, which forms a significant part of their diet.

Their long wingspan and majestic appearance make them one of the most admired parrot species.

However, their status as an endangered species highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect these magnificent birds.

2. Eclectus

The Eclectus Parrot is known for its striking sexual dimorphism in plumage color; males are bright green, while females are red and purple.

These parrots are native to Papua New Guinea and are known for their calm and social nature, making them excellent pets.

Key Features:

  • Sexual dimorphism in plumage color
  • Calm and social
  • Lifespan of around 30 years

Eclectus Parrots are intelligent and can form strong bonds with their owners.

Their unique appearance and gentle demeanor make them popular among bird enthusiasts.

They have a lifespan of around 30 years, requiring long-term commitment from their owners.

1. Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaws

The Scarlet Macaw is a large parrot with vibrant red, yellow, and blue plumage.

Native to Central and South America, these macaws are known for their intelligence and ability to learn tricks.

Key Features:

  • Intelligent, capable of learning tricks
  • Long life expectancy (40-50 years)

Scarlet Macaws are highly social and enjoy interacting with their human companions.

Their bright colors and engaging personality make them popular pets, though they require a lot of space and mental stimulation.

The long life expectancy of 40-50 years means they can be lifelong companions for their owners.


The top 10 most beautiful parrots in the world showcase the incredible diversity and beauty of these remarkable birds. Conservation efforts are vital to protect endangered species like the Hyacinth Macaw, ensuring that future generations can continue to admire and enjoy these magnificent birds.

Picture of Noah Boutros

Noah Boutros

Hello there, I am Noah Boutros. I study biology and I simply adore animal world. At the same time, I am interested in rural living. I tied these two affections into one and that was the reason I came up with my solo blog,
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